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Re: Communication error during multiple files transferring using WinSCP

Jia wrote:

Can I use the debug version of WinSCP in product environment.We tried to reproduce the problem in test system,but failed.If OK,could I use the debug version in pro-system,until it happens again and get the detail log?

It's a beta version. Use it with a caution. Though, while it can be less stable, it should not do any damage to your files or a system.

Re: Communication error during multiple files transferring using WinSCP

martin wrote:

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Thanks.I got your message and email.
Can I use the debug version of WinSCP in product environment.We tried to reproduce the problem in test system,but failed.If OK,could I use the debug version in pro-system,until it happens again and get the detail log?

Re: Communication error during multiple files transferring using WinSCP

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Communication error during multiple files transferring using WinSCP

Hello Site Admin

We are using version 5.9.3,and using background file transfer function in SFTP.
I changed my WinSCP client's ‘Maximal number of transfer at the same time’ from 2 to 4,
since when we transfer 3 or more files it have been failed a lot of times.
But it still fails now while 3 files are being transferred at the same time.

We find the message in log "Handling network close event on socket 992 with error 10053"
occurs and transfer Abnormal termination.

So I wonder if the configuration [Maximal number of transfer at the same time] 4 working here?
Also is there any other configuration setting will help us solve this issue?
For example could it will be solved if I upgrade WinSCP version?

Please take a look at the log here for reference.