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Topic review


FFAMax wrote:

Hi guys, I shame on you, developer, who thinking about rebooting PC.
Please change your mind, my PC never rebooting, you just locking update.
BUT! If manually previously version was uninstalled, new version will not be installed, WTF?

Sorry, I do not understand. Can you try again to describe the issue that you are facing?

5.1 working fine without reboot, it's just some shit in new versions

Hi guys, I shame on you, developer, who thinking about rebooting PC.
Please change your mind, my PC never rebooting, you just locking update.
BUT! If manually previously version was uninstalled, new version will not be installed, WTF?

So, are you telling me that I could install the new version without reboot?

Then what's the point to tell people to reboot? I mean, why do useless thing?

Re: Feature request: uninstalling/reinstaling WinSCP without the need to reboot the computer

The installer asks for reboot only when it really needs that (usually it does not)

And you do not have to reboot anyway, that's why it asks. You can reboot only when it is convenient for you.

Feature request: uninstalling/reinstaling WinSCP without the need to reboot the computer

I just opened WinSCP which told me a new version is available.

Right. I downloaded it. Then I uninstall the current version I have in my computer. But at the end, I'm told I have to reboot the computer! Well, I have a lot of things (files) open and I can't close them like this.

For those who are aware of, Windows (and its apps) don't really have implemented "session restoration"! That means what? That means if I want the same files to open after computer reboot, I have to *note down every file I'm currently working on* BEFORE reboot and then manually open every one of them upon reboot. Very annoying, isn't it?

So, it would be nice if the installer (uninstaller) of WinSCP would NOT require a system/computer reboot;