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Re: Connect WINSCP to Network Drive or SharePoint Site

drivingmissdaisy wrote:

tried connecting from winscp to sharepoint using webdav and got connection error. i want to set up the connection details in winscp so i can append to sp lists programmatically; is there a way i can do that?

Please start a new thread and post a complete session log file.

Connect WINSCP to Network Drive or SharePoint Site

tried connecting from winscp to sharepoint using webdav and got connection error. i want to set up the connection details in winscp so i can append to sp lists programmatically; is there a way i can do that?


Can you please elaborate on "do not recognize my network drive"?


Hi thanks for the answer , but actually is my problem WINSCP do not recognize my network drive

Re: Connect WINSCP to Network Drive or SharePoint Site

Sorry, this is bit vague.

To connect to a "network drive" you do not need WinSCP. You can map the drive in Windows Explorer.

SharePoint sites usually support WebDAV protocol, which you can use in WinSCP.

Connect WINSCP to Network Drive or SharePoint Site

Hi Guys,

Could you please tell me if is possible connect the app to one of my network drives or to a sharepoint document library ?
