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Re: Batch file for background upload

Thank you Martn - I can create a batch code for uploading in the background mode - this will still upload each file in sequence and not parallel ?(like you set in the background options - e.g. number of concurrent uploads)

Sorry, I do not understand your question. What is "batch code for uploading in the background mode"?

Re: Batch file for background upload

martin wrote:

WinSCP scripting does not support parallel transfers.
You would have to code that.

Thank you Martn - I can create a batch code for uploading in the background mode - this will still upload each file in sequence and not parallel ?(like you set in the background options - e.g. number of concurrent uploads)

or shoudl I instead create the WINSCP script file to use the 3 simultaneous uploads?

I enabled transfer in bakcground as default and the batch file still uploads files one by one(((

Batch file for background upload

I generated the batch for for the normal upload and for the batch upload and they both look the same...I got much faster speed when uploadign via WINSCP and background mode....when I run the batch script it was way slwoer - can I create a batch script which will uplaod the fiels in background (I now have 3 simultaneous uploads allowed)