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Topic review


Understood. Thank you!

imthenachoman wrote:

Thanks. Is it possible to recreate the folder structure in the recycle bin and/or use date/time in recycle bin folder so it'll create a new recycle bin folder for each day?

No, this is not supported.

Thanks. Is it possible to recreate the folder structure in the recycle bin and/or use date/time in recycle bin folder so it'll create a new recycle bin folder for each day?

backup files on remote with monitored synchronization

Is it possible to get WinSCP to make a backup of a file on a remote when doing syncing? For example, if a file that exists locally and on the remote is updated locally, then before WinSCP updates the remote file it would make a backup.

Let us say I had this:



And I make an update to the file locally, then after the sync it should end up like this:



Or something like it....