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Re: Max download speed is only limited per-download task, not on a per application basis

Thanks for your suggestion.
Will see if more people ask for this.

Max download speed is only limited per-download task, not on a per application basis

WinSCP 5.13.6, Win 7,

use case:
downloading a lot of large media files (1GB - 50GB)
I am using 4 transfer tasks simultaneously

current operation:
The download speed limiter is limited on a per-download-task (thread?) basis.
This has no perceivable use case.

In order to keep under the 5mbit/s bandwith i have to set each of my 4 transfers individually to 1200kb/s. However, when the end of the queue is finished and the number of transfers drop below 4, so does my bandwith usage and thus my total transfer speed.
When I then start just 1 new transfer, it will use only 1200kb/s in stead of the full 5mbit/s.

expected behaviour:
the download speed limit that I enter is on an over all (per application) basis, so that I can manage the bandwidth WinSCP uses.
For example, in my case I have 6mbit LAN bandwidth, and want to give 5mbit to WinSCP so that the local network does not become saturated and unusable.

- durandal