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Re: Uploading status bar red

Thanks @Martin, no I can't replicate it. The only reason I believed my client who said the bar was red was because he sent the screenshot. Mine is always blue.

He did determine that there was a problem with the audio file he was uploading, that was what was causing the error.

Re: Uploading status bar red

WinSCP does not change window bar color.
What color does it have normally on your machine?
Can you reproduce the problem?

Re: Uploading status bar red

Thanks @Martin, no the server wasn't moving the file. There was something wrong with the actual file though. I am guessing the upload bar was red because somehow winscp knew there was something wrong with the file. The client uploaded other files and all was good.

I had never seen that red bar before, it must mean there is a problem with the file.

Re: Uploading status bar red

MikePritchard wrote:

Hi guys,
can you tell me why the uploading bar is red at the top?

It should have the same color as all other windows. Definitelly not related to your problem with uploading files.

It is always blue but I am having problems getting files uploaded. They look like they upload but then disappear.

Would this help?
Why is uploaded file not showing in a remote directory or showing with a different name?

Uploading status bar red

Hi guys,
can you tell me why the uploading bar is red at the top? It is always blue but I am having problems getting files uploaded. They look like they upload but then disappear.

See attached.