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Topic review


Re: No me instala el paquete

Rodrick wrote:

Despues de instalar winscpNet.dll, winscphelper
Al instalar el winSCP me da este pronblema en el NUGGET. estoy usando Visual studio 2012.

PM> Install-Package WinSCP -Version 5.13.7
Install-Package : El elemento 'metadata' en espacio de nombres '' tiene un
elemento secundario 'license' en espacio de nombres '' no válido. Lista esperada
de elementos posibles: 'description, frameworkAssemblies, language, summary, projectUrl, copyright, dependencies, licenseUrl, releaseNotes,
tags, references, iconUrl' en espacio de nombres ''.

Upgrade your NuGet manager installation.
Or you would have to use an older version of WinSCP package (not recommended).

No me instala el paquete

Despues de instalar winscpNet.dll, winscphelper
Al instalar el winSCP me da este pronblema en el NUGGET. estoy usando Visual studio 2012.

PM> Install-Package WinSCP -Version 5.13.7
Install-Package : El elemento 'metadata' en espacio de nombres '' tiene un
elemento secundario 'license' en espacio de nombres '' no válido. Lista esperada
de elementos posibles: 'description, frameworkAssemblies, language, summary, projectUrl, copyright, dependencies, licenseUrl, releaseNotes,
tags, references, iconUrl' en espacio de nombres ''.

Alguna sugerencia para poder seguir con el desarrollo con winSCP.

Gracias, Un saludo.


Thank you Martin. I'm really looking forward to working with your product.


Re: WinSCP Classes Not Available in Visual Studio 2012

Did you add winscpnet.dll as a reference to your project?

Or for a simplicity, use WinSCP NuGet package:

No point registering the assembly for COM to use it from .NET language.

WinSCP Classes Not Available in Visual Studio 2012

Just downloaded and exploded the .ZIP for winscpnet.dll and winscp.exe. Then copied these files to the \bin folder of my VS project.

Object Explorer doesn't show any WinSCP components. Added "Imports WinSCP" to my VB.NET Code and tried to define a New SessionOptions Class, but the Class is considered invalid. I then successfully registered the .DLL using the "Registering for COM" instructions but these was no change.

I've closed and reopened VS after each change in case a refresh was needed.

Also tried these files in /obj/debug as the CodeProject article suggests. File permissions seems fine.

My machine is 64 bit and .NET 4.5.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Skip Lewis