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Re: upload file to MVS

joshpak wrote:

The SFTP version is 3.8.1p1.

This seems as version of OpenSSH server. I wanted version of SFTP protocol. But as it is OpenSSH, I suppose that the version is 3. The version does not support ascii transfers natively. As consequence special formats, like ebsdic, are not supported.

upload file to MVS

The SFTP version is 3.8.1p1.

upload file to MVS

I'm using SFTP. I'm not sure of the version number. I'll ask around.

Re: upload file to MVS

What protocol SCP or SFTP? If SFTP, what version?

upload file to MVS

I'm trying to upload a txt file to the IBM MVS server. The file gets there but when a user tries to read the file it is all garbage.

Is there a way to set the transfer mode to ebsdic instead of ascii.

Josh Pak