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Re: Cannot create folder

CyberDuck also ends the URL with a slash.
I believe that this is a server-side bug.
Bernd R.

Cyberduck log

Here is the logfile from Cyberduck.


Re: Cannot create folder

Can you attach CyberDuck log file too?

The difference I see between WinSCP and WebDrive is that WinSCP ends the URI to the new folder with a slash, while WebDrive does not.
Though WinSCP is correct in this respect.
Bernd R.

Cannot create folder

Hello again,
I testet CyberDuck today and it gives the same error message when trying to create a folder.
But why does it work using WebDrive?

Bernd R.

WebDrive log attached

Let's see if it works, when I zip the WebDrive log...
Bernd R.

Cannot create folder via WebDAV

I always get an error message when trying to post here with the WebDrive log.
The error message says "Tried to upload empty file".

But the file is not empty!

Best Regards

Re: Cannot create folder via WebDAV

Can you also attach a log file from WebDrive?
Bernd R.

Cannot create folder via WebDAV

I use WinSCP to connect to our WebDAV server.
I can upload files, but I cannot upload directories. I cannot even create a directory on the server. Always get error "404 File Not Found".
Creating a directory fails via scripting and via GUI.
But it works with a different WebDAV client (called WebDrive).

I attached a logfile.

Best Regards