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Topic review

amarc (original)

Re: Setting file properties

my mistake, it works as you described.
I think I mixed something...

Re: Setting file properties

The owner should not be changed, unless you change it in the window. Can you post a log file?

Anyway, the owner is probably truncated, because is was truncatedin the directory listing. Or do you see full owner name in the file panel?
amarc (original)

Setting file properties

A use WinSCP 3.7.6 (Build 306).
Please note that pressing the F9 key (file permissions) on a file on a remote host (SCP connection) a dialog window appears. The field Owner is filled with the value from the main panel, but, unfortunatelly, if owner's name is long enought, it is truncated.
It results in error, if you wish to press F9, change e.g. r/w rights, and press OK. To avoid the error, you must put down full owner's name in the field Owner.

Could the WinSCP program not truncate such things as owner ???