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Re: Problem with .css files

martin wrote:

Sorry, for my late answer.
I cannot reproduce the problem with the file.
I assume you have Windows 10, right?
Do you use Russian localization of Windows?
Do you have the same problem on other machines?
Does the problem happen even when editing a local file (left panel)?

At work I have win8 (rus loc)
At home I have win10 (1803 version / rus loc)
Yes, i have same problem when editing a local file.
I checked yesterday at home from Russian localization, then deleted the program and all settings and installed the last English version, the problem remained.

I changed "Preference - Editors" from "internal editor" to "notepad" and the problem is gone

Re: Problem with .css files

Sorry, for my late answer.
I cannot reproduce the problem with the file.
I assume you have Windows 10, right?
Do you use Russian localization of Windows?
Do you have the same problem on other machines?
Does the problem happen even when editing a local file (left panel)?

Re: Problem with .css files

martin wrote:

Can you share a sample file for testing?


p.s. I used .rar because i had error "The Extension css is not allowed"

Re: Problem with .css files

Starts like this

Re: Problem with .css files

Can you share a sample file for testing?

Problem with .css files

Hello, i have a problem with *.min.css files.
When code is min.css, I cant see code in editor, there is only empty area. If highlight empty area - i see code. But if remove highlight - again can't see the code.
This problem i saw only in *.min.css files (where everything is very close to each other and don't have spaces.)