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Re: file mask date format error

johnny5065 wrote:

when use filemask="%TIMESTAMP#yyyy-mm-dd%", does it need to match the date format of remote server system format (e.g. 6/03/20019) ? Cheers.

Please read the documentation!

WinSCP does not even know what date format the server uses.

Note that you are missing an operator (< or >) in your mask.

file mask date format error

Hi Martin,

when use filemask="%TIMESTAMP#yyyy-mm-dd%", does it need to match the date format of remote server system format (e.g. 6/03/20019) ? Cheers.


Now I am trying another option to transfer file from remote server to local the day before current date (yesterday file) to local directory. The remote server date format is d/MM/yyyy (e.g 6/03/2019 , 28/02/2019 ).There is error message when get file from remote server. Please refer to the attachment.

Re: Auto transfer files from remote server by filename

johnny5065 wrote:

from last day of last month

Including or excluding?

Auto transfer files from remote server by filename

Currently, I'd like to transfer file from remote server (sftp) to local virtual machine. The filename is like 'E3190130_124201372' and '190130' means the date of 2019-01-30. The aim is to download all files from last day of last month to last day of current month. local virtual machine connects to remote server via private and public key.Winscp version is 5.13.I haven't use winscp scripting before and I'd like to know if it is possible to implement this. Thank you.