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No worries. It was time to upgrade the version and for the moment that seems to have resolved the issue

sstar wrote:

except that I cannot get my code to compile in visual studio 10 (we run SQL Server 2008).

If you want our help on this, we need way more details.

I think that was the problem. The GAC Util was failing until I figured out that I had to supply the full path. I seem to be ok now except that I cannot get my code to compile in visual studio 10 (we run SQL Server 2008).

Re: Error while adding WinSCPnet version 5.13.8 via Nuget

Are you running that command in the folder, where the winspcnet.dll file is stored?

Re: Error while adding WinSCPnet version 5.13.8 via Nuget

I am trying to but they are not as clear as you seem to think. I have installed the WinSCP .NET assembly via the NuGet Package Manager but when I try to install it to the GAC I get an error message "Failure adding assembly to the cache: The system cannot find the file specified". Here is the line I wrote into the command window in order to try to install it to the GAC. c:\program files (x86)\windows\v10.0a\bin\netfx 4.7.3 tools/gacutil.exe /I winspcnet.dll. Do you have any advice how I might resolve this?

Re: Error while adding WinSCPnet version 5.13.8 via Nuget

When exactly do you get the error?
Did you follow the instructions in the link?

Error while adding WinSCPnet version 5.13.8 via Nuget

I am trying to add a reference to WinSCP to a script task in SSIS but get the following error

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see The missing file is ..\packages\WinSCP.5.13.8\build\WinSCP.targets. ST_b8780b1249ac42d9848e46e6e454a074 C:\Users\sstar\AppData\Local\Temp\Vsta\SSIS_ST140\VstaRY1vIvBgbEKEyTZZjAR9Tg\VstaZdGo5Rf99kmVPTStZxuwsg\ST_b8780b1249ac42d9848e46e6e454a074.vbproj 108

Can anyone please help me fix this?