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Re: Unable to create directory with subdirectorys using sftp

It's as expected. In general, WinSCP can create one folder at a time only.

Unable to create directory with subdirectorys using sftp

i need to create paths with subdirectorys, with sftp protocol it returns an error:
WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: "Error creating folder '/home/pdf/2019/1'.
No such file or directory.

The path "/home/pdf" already exists, but the subpath "2019/1" does not exist
When i am creating every single subdirectory in one step, it works. there is no need for until i am using the ftp prototol instead of sftp.

i am using Version 5.13.7, testing down to 5.13.3 and there is allways the same error.

i also testet different sftp servers (Synology, FileZilla Server, Webhosted SFTP) with the same result

is it a bug?

greetings :)