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Topic review


martin wrote:

xirtam wrote:

Can you please send it again, I think I accidentlly deleted it and don't have your address anymore.

Sent. Though you can see my address in my profile on this forum.

Woops, didn't look that. Sent anyway.

xirtam wrote:

Can you please send it again, I think I accidentlly deleted it and don't have your address anymore.

Sent. Though you can see my address in my profile on this forum.

Can you please send it again, I think I accidentlly deleted it and don't have your address anymore.

Re: Continuosly crashing

xirtam wrote:

Where can I send the dump? It's safe to upload it here?

Please respond to my email.

Re: Continuosly crashing

martin wrote:

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Where can I send the dump? It's safe to upload it here?

Thanks, will try with that.

Re: Continuosly crashing

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Continuosly crashing

It has been some months now that I have random crashes.
Everything stop responding and force me to force close the app.
I wasn't able to narrow it down to a specific action, it just happens randomly (can be right after opening a program when selecting the site, or when connectin, or when uploading, even without doing nothing while having the software open in background).
This is the text I get in the crash report:
Nome evento problema: AppHangB1
Nome applicazione: WinSCP.exe
Versione applicazione:
Timestamp applicazione: 00000000
Firma di blocco: bdef
Tipo interruzione: 1
Versione SO: 6.1.7601.
ID impostazioni locali: 1040
Firma blocco aggiuntiva 1: bdefc33db5c7cc9d976d0f06f451a1ae
Firma blocco aggiuntiva 2: fc97
Firma blocco aggiuntiva 3: fc97e1a276d2ae02588bf93c44fff42f
Firma blocco aggiuntiva 4: 59e2
Firma blocco aggiuntiva 5: 59e2e650ba1713dab246121edcb06967
Firma blocco aggiuntiva 6: 0b51
Firma blocco aggiuntiva 7: 0b51dcb0ff6e4bb8ecf0c8de92bd8ed7

I already tried reinstalling or using the beta versions, without luck.
Some days I can use it just fine, some days there is nothing I can do to use the program.
The OS is Win7.
Is there any debug version to track down the problem? Any debug log would be useful to me (already tried the normal logs generated by the program, but they aren't useful).