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Re: Remote files TIMESTAMP wrote:

:P I just went on the remote computer and created a new directory "books2" and updated my local directory books to it. it is reporting the correct time. I then renamed the old books directory on the remote to be booksold and the new directory became books. They now synchronize correctly. I guess I can correct each directory that way. Any idea why this started happening?

I've investigated this. I now think that it is caused by strange handling of timestamps by UNIX systems. Or at least it is strange to me. Why this started happening? Old directory was probably created before DST started, while new one after this.

Remote files TIMESTAMP

:P I just went on the remote computer and created a new directory "books2" and updated my local directory books to it. it is reporting the correct time. I then renamed the old books directory on the remote to be booksold and the new directory became books. They now synchronize correctly. I guess I can correct each directory that way. Any idea why this started happening?

Remote files Timestamp

:oops: It is actually still doing the same thing. It seems to be a reporting to winscp type of problem. When I browse the directory using Terminal Services, the files have the same timestamp as my local copies. However, Winscp is showing the remote timestamp one hour different.

Re: Remote files timestamp

Can you post or send me a log file?

Remote files timestamp

When I login to the server using Terminal services and explore the directory, I see the time as the same as my local copy. However, in WinSCP it shows every file with a timestamp of exactly 1 hour earlier. The time on both computers has been updated for the time change over the weekend. Does daylight savings time have anything to do with WinSCP showing the wrong time? How can I fix it? Even updating the file shows the wrong time? It was not doing this last week. :?: