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Topic review


Re: tree synchronization

Effectively! That was the case ...
Thank you!

Re: tree synchronization

The option is enabled, only when you use Commander interface and have remembering state of both panels is enabled, as documented here:
This was always like that. It never changed.
So please check, that you did not inadvertently disabled remembering state of panels.

Re: tree synchronization

Prior to 5.14.5 in advanced site settings, synchronized navigation could be permanently enabled or disabled.
Now this option is grayed out and although activated the software does not have an account ... based on the reactivation of each connection!
Thank you for the solution or possible correction.
Hubert Duclusaud

Re: tree synchronization

I'm not sure I understand your problem.

Can you please describe how has the behavior changed in 5.14.5?

tree synchronization

I recently updated WinSCP with version 5.14.5 RC (compilation 9281) and tree synchronization no longer works. That is to say that it must be given to each connection!
I didn’t have this problem with previous versions...

Thanks for the solution...