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Re: PC line feeds not stripped when using background transfe

[quote="phrmit"]Thank you for your quick response. I had misunderstood the documentation. I had not edited the "mask" in the right place. I now got it to work successfully.[/qoute]
If the documentation is confusing, you are welcome to improve it :-)

Did have one other question. Is it possible to save my configuration as a file to supply to other users in my company so there install and use is seamless?

Refer to documentation.

Re: PC line feeds not stripped when using background transfe

martin wrote:

It works for me correctly. Can you post a log file?


Thank you for your quick response. I had misunderstood the documentation. I had not edited the "mask" in the right place. I now got it to work successfully.

Did have one other question. Is it possible to save my configuration as a file to supply to other users in my company so there install and use is seamless?

Thank you again.


Re: PC line feeds not stripped when using background transfer

It works for me correctly. Can you post a log file?

PC line feeds not stripped when using background transfer

I have set *.csv files to be treated as text files in the options for transferring. However, when performing a background transfer with the Automatic transfer method checked, the PC line feeds to not get changed to unix line feeds. This works fine if I dop not choose background transfer. I am using V3.7.6 (build 306) and connecting via SFTP.