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Topic review


@obestel: What does grab the file automatically? Are you sure that process understands the WinSCP file encryption?

This feature will be beneficial for me too.

I am in the same situation where the file sent to the client is grabbed automatically based on the name. Eg. The name needs to be customer_transactions_20240625.csv and the content needs to be encrypted.

I have added my vote.

Re: File names In the mean time

AJC wrote:

I could really use the feature to not encrypt the file names.

I have added this request to the tracker:
Issue 1965 – Encrypt only file contents, not file names
You can vote for it there.

In the meantime it there a way to get the encrypted filename(s) to do a separate rename? Would changing the file name interfere with the decryption process?

I do not understand.

Also is the same file name always encrypted to the same string (not dependent on machine or date etc. just the key)? I could likely use this as a workaround.

Of course not. The encrypted name is always different, due to a "salt" component.

File names In the mean time

I could really use the feature to not encrypt the file names.

In the meantime it there a way to get the encrypted filename(s) to do a separate rename? Would changing the file name interfere with the decryption process?

Also is the same file name always encrypted to the same string (not dependent on machine or date etc. just the key)? I could likely use this as a workaround.


sound good! we found a workaround for now, we are creating folder with the filename and date and put the encrypted file on it.

Thanks for a great product.

Albert Torres

OK. We will see, if more people ask for this.

File that required to be encrypted the automatic process based on file names move it to the right department where it will be decrypted by the right person using powershell or a custom code. But while is on the SFTP server should be protected nobody not even IT department that has access to servers should be allowed to open the file.

Albert Torres

Re: File Encryption just for the content not for the file name.

How would they be able to process a file encrypted by WinSCP, even if it had a name they expect?

File Encryption just for the content not for the file name.

We upload files to a partner and the partner that using a automatic process base on filename get the file form the server. For example we send the file customers_20190404.txt and their process look for a file called customers with today's date on the name.


Re: File Encryption just for the content not for the file name.

No, it is not possible atm. What is your use case?

File Encryption just for the content not for the file name.

I want to know if it's possible to use File Encryption only to encrypt the file content but not the file name.

Albert Torres