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Re: synchro mask sftp

martin wrote:

Nazer92 wrote:

Yes, downloading from SFTP, like a move. (downloading to locale disk, and delete from sftp)

The get command has -delete switch:

Thank You! :)

Re: synchro mask sftp

martin wrote:

Nazer92 wrote:

"synchronize remote -criteria=time C:\IOC\*.xml /ioc"
what i'm missed? How i'm can created mask for some files in one folder ?

It should be:
"synchronize remote -criteria=time -filemask=*.xml C:\IOC /ioc"

2) question, how i'm can downloading files from sftp (like a MOVE) moving file out from sftp folder?

I'm not sure I understand. Do you want to download and delete the file?

Yes, downloading from SFTP, like a move. (downloading to locale disk, and delete from sftp)
Thank you!

Re: synchro mask sftp

Nazer92 wrote:

"synchronize remote -criteria=time C:\IOC\*.xml /ioc"
what i'm missed? How i'm can created mask for some files in one folder ?

It should be:
"synchronize remote -criteria=time -filemask=*.xml C:\IOC /ioc"

2) question, how i'm can downloading files from sftp (like a MOVE) moving file out from sftp folder?

I'm not sure I understand. Do you want to download and delete the file?

synchro mask sftp

Hello, i'm need help.
I'm trying to make automation to synchro with sftp
This is for downloading my locale files to sftp
option batch abort
option confirm off
open sftp://*
synchronize remote -criteria=time C:\IOC\ /ioc
how i'm can create mask for files like a xml,p7s, etc.
This is for downloading FROM sftp.
This part of script working good, for example :
===========The part for mask file only==============
get /ioc/NAMEFILE*.xml C:\IOC\*
so why i'm cant create script to downloading to sftp like this?
"synchronize remote -criteria=time C:\IOC\*.xml /ioc"
what i'm missed? How i'm can created mask for some files in one folder ?
2) question, how i'm can downloading files from sftp (like a MOVE) moving file out from sftp folder?
Sorry for my eng, if what :)