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Re: SFTP with private key connection

So please attach log files both from GUI and the batch file.

SFTP with private key connection


Our automaation software is similar to a workflow which runs a batch file to connect to a SFTP and transfer files. I can manualyy transfer trough the WINSCP Gui but not through the BAT file

Re: SFTP with private key connection

Sorry, but I do not understand your question.
How does WinSCP relate to your "automation software" (and ultimately to your question)?

SFTP with private key connection

We have WINSCP to connect to a clients site using a Private key, which we can connect to using the GUI, however we have an some automation software which we use to transfer files and when we use this we get this error "Failed to get the host key from sftp://111.999.666.444: getaddrinfo sftp:// hostname nor servname provided, or not known"
For a previos client we used to just pass the username password and port number.
Does anyone have an example of WINSCP command Line script I could use to pass "Username", "Private Key", "IP Address" and "Port Number"
Thanks Andy