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Topic review


Can you reproduce the problem with a file?

At one point there was a file but mostly it's folders yes.

Re: Can't delete files and folders in Local Directory while Syncing to Remote

Do you really get the problem with files? Or with folders only?

Can't delete files and folders in Local Directory while Syncing to Remote

Hi, I've had this problem at least 4 times by now. There are a few directories that I have set to Sync with the "Keep remote directory up to date" option. If I try to delete files and/or folders using either Windows File Explorer or another session of WinSCP then some of them get deleted and others (randomly) don't and show an error saying either that I need permission from the Admin account(which I am logged in as) or that the file is in use by another process. The first error is more common. Now from what I understand, "Keep remote directory up to date" is supposed to check the local directory at intervals and update the remote directory when a change is found, not stop me from working with the local files! Help, please?