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Re: WinSCP not seeing all files on WebDAV target. No hidden files and other clients see files fine.

Unfortunately the CyberDuck log is not verbose enough to show a list of files.
And it possibly won't be useful anyway, if it has the same (similar) problem as WinSCP.
Are you familiar with Wireshark? If you are, can you do a dump of the connection used by "mapping the folder as drive"?

Re: WinSCP not seeing all files on WebDAV target. No hidden files and other clients see files fine.

martin wrote:

Can you post a log file from CyberDuck?

I have attached the log generated by Cyberduck. I have noticed though that even Cyberduck is doing a similar thing where it is showing some files but not others. Interestingly it is showing different files than WinSCP, just not all of them. The only consistent way is to currently map the webDAV target as a drive on windows, this definitely shows all files.

The target being connected to does host a lot of small files (data files from a real-time controller), is there a setting to limit the number of polled files/folders? Just a thought...


Re: WinSCP not seeing all files on WebDAV target. No hidden files and other clients see files fine.

Can you post a log file from CyberDuck?

Re: WinSCP not seeing all files on WebDAV target. No hidden files and other clients see files fine.

larrycolvin wrote:

As the subject suggests, I cannot see lots of files that are stored on a WebDAV server even though none of them are hidden or start with a filename containing ".". Other clients such as Cyberduck and Windows own drive mapping don't have this issue at all and can see all files.

Made an account to receive emails if contact is necessary. Cheers

WinSCP not seeing all files on WebDAV target. No hidden files and other clients see files fine.

As the subject suggests, I cannot see lots of files that are stored on a WebDAV server even though none of them are hidden or start with a filename containing ".". Other clients such as Cyberduck and Windows own drive mapping don't have this issue at all and can see all files.