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Re: Creating a new SFTP user & folder permission's..

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Re: Creating a new SFTP user & folder permission's..

Voltron2019 wrote:

Sorry just got a basic question how do you create a new SFTP winscp user? Struggling to find documentation for this? & also how do you assign folder permission's for these newly created SFTP users so they can only see certain folders? Sorry I have search abit on this site/google & you tube. Thanks in advance.

Figured out how to create a new SFTP user, on my SFTP server we're using 'SolarWinds SFTP/SCP Server' the new SFTP user setup is done via File, Configure...etc.

How to do folder permissions work in the root directory though?

Creating a new SFTP user & folder permission's..

Sorry just got a basic question how do you create a new SFTP winscp user? Struggling to find documentation for this? & also how do you assign folder permission's for these newly created SFTP users so they can only see certain folders? Sorry I have search abit on this site/google & you tube. Thanks in advance.