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Re: further information on remote file truncation bug

I suppose that the connection was lost while the edited file was being uploaded. Was it?

further information on remote file truncation bug

dear people,

I was editing text files with a .java extension on the
sourceforge server .When the connexion to
the host was lost I noticed that the file which I had
been editing at the time that the connexion was lost
had been truncated to 0bytes on the server.

before the connexion was lost, I received a pop up message
saying "host has not replyed for 15 seconds. warning
clicking abort will close the connexion".
i clicked abort since nothing seemed to be happening
and then reestablished a connexion by clicking
session.disconnect and then

in the editor window, the text I had been editing
still appeared in the state it was when the connexion was
lost, but the only way for me to preserve it from
obliteration was to copy and paste to a local file
and then reupload the file to the server.

sometimes when the connexion was lost to the server,
this did not happen. the file which I had been editing
was ok and had not been truncated.

If I was editing multiple files, it appears that only
the one which I was actually editing (window active) was
truncated. the other one was ok.

I am using the standalone windows exe version of winscp.

I am using the inbuilt editor of winscp not an external


further info.
am using stand alone version 3.7.6 build 306
bug only intermittent. am using the built in file
editor of winscp, not an external editor.
windows xp, internet cafe

all the best

bug editing remote files

I just wrote a lengthy descrip but lost it
editing remote text files the file is truncated to
0 when the connexion to the host is lost. be careful