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Re: Don't want to confirm every time

In Preferences, see Environment > Confirmations > Drag & drop operations.

Re: Don't want to confirm every time

martin wrote:

How to you transfer files?

I use the WinSCP interface 3.6.8., in the "Norton" type environment.

When I select files to drag over to the server side, a box pops up titled "Copy." The active option buttons are
"<<Less" "Copy" "Cancel"

I have to click the "Copy" button every time I send up a batch of files. I don't want that pop-up box to ever show itself to me again. I know that I want to copy the files.. I don't need to click the copy button every time.

I want to select the files to be transfered, and drag them into the directory on the server where I want them, and that's it. No popup box at all.

Re: Don't want to confirm every time

How to you transfer files?

Don't want to confirm every time

Hello all,

Can someone tell me what my configuration settings have to be set at to NOT have the popup box come up everytime for me to confirm when I upload AND/OR download. It's a pain to have to confirm everytime.

Thank you very much in advance.