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RE: help with filemask

This is what i mean with copying the search from winscp

Re: RE: help with filemask

Ettap wrote:

the real problem here was that filemask does not understand spaces. so if you copy the search from winscp with the ask you need, its going to give you an error

You can use spaces in file mask, if you quote the file mask. Though I do not understand, what you mean by "copy the search".

RE: help with filemask

the real problem here was that filemask does not understand spaces. so if you copy the search from winscp with the ask you need, its going to give you an error

Re: RE: help with filemask

That's the correct solution.

RE: help with filemask

So i managed to fix this by having two get functions.

first i get the file i want by its self with

and then get the rest of them with

help with filemask

i need to get all files created on the day the scrip is run and move them to another place, i need to exclude a file with a name of TK and move it to another folder. i get the files of the day with
but trying to add a exclude is stumping me at the moment