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Re: error uploading website files

Prikryl, hey I figured out the issue I think. It uploaded fine anyway. I switched to a Unix box and still had the frontpage extension folders on my local copy of the site. The _vti_cnf folders.... when I deleted all those it upload just fine. Was that the problem you think?? After that it uploaded just fine. That is all I changed. thanks for the reply. Clint

martin wrote:

Can you turn on logging and post at least last couple of lines (up to hundred) of the log?

Re: error uploading website files

Can you turn on logging and post at least last couple of lines (up to hundred) of the log?

error uploading website files

Hi, I just revamp a whole site. Well I downloaded the whole site fine, (13MB) and did my changes. Now trying to upload it uploads some files then it just hangs. sometimes i get the error that the Host is not active and it is waiting (choice to Abort). I also have had this error.

Copying file 'C:\Documents and Settings\CC\My Documents\My Web Sites\\Current\Update Work\Aug26\photos\IMG_1161.JPG' fatally failed.

System Error. Code: 87.

The parameter is incorrect

I have 320/320 DSL connection as so speed is not an issue. Just wondering why it stalls and won't upload. Anyone have this issue or a solution to this. Thanks.