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Re: Give Read-Only (download) Access

cuppachino wrote:

Is it possible to somehow give users read-only access to a directory so that they can utilize winscp to periodically sync the server folder content to their local hard drive folder?

Giving out the ssh password is unacceptable for obvious reasons.

I wonder if this is feaible, given the nature of SSH/SCP login.

Some SSH servers allows you to limit what user can do.


I have just confirmed myself that it would have to be implemented using some sort of HTTP or FTP download client, not SCP client via SSH. I was hoping to take advantage of the sync feature of winscp to accomplish my particular application scenario.

Give Read-Only (download) Access

Is it possible to somehow give users read-only access to a directory so that they can utilize winscp to periodically sync the server folder content to their local hard drive folder?

Giving out the ssh password is unacceptable for obvious reasons.

I wonder if this is feaible, given the nature of SSH/SCP login.