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Re: invalid characters in scp command

This is common limitation of scponly shell.

invalid characters in scp command

I am using version 3.7.6(built 306), i switched from using Norton Commander and its ftp connection to winscp,but i encountered problem with names of folders. I am not experienced in network and transfers, but even so i really need it for my work. Can anybody help me with this problem, please:
this is error report

Command 'cd "#02"'
failed with return code -1 and error message
invalid characters in scp command!
try using a wildcard to match this file/directory.

I tried both explorer and TC modules, and i am able to connect to server only using SCP. I am using ssh2.I just need to change names of some folders starting with "#" and of course keep files untouched, and then hopefully continue without problems using winscp.