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Re: Why not use absolute paths?

zauner wrote:

But then when I try to go to another directory (which is in the currently displayed directory) it says 'Not Found.' Because, in fact, WinSCP now has the directory that I tried to enter before as the CWD.

Please post a log file for this.

There are some other bugs related to this as well. Why not just use the full path for operations?

I woull brink another problems, so it is not solution for me. Any path handling on client sides make client application dependent on particular server platform (like UNIX).

I would feel much safer, too.


Why not use absolute paths?

If I try to enter a directory that I don't have permissions for, I get some archaic message; ok, no big deal.

But then when I try to go to another directory (which is in the currently displayed directory) it says 'Not Found.' Because, in fact, WinSCP now has the directory that I tried to enter before as the CWD.

There are some other bugs related to this as well. Why not just use the full path for operations? I would feel much safer, too.
