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Topic review


mysvs2 wrote:

Coming from filezilla and in filezilla this is default behaviour. After edit-> save remote file filezilla warn overwrite.

I know that FileZilla does that. I find that a strange behavior.
People are actually complaining about that and switch to WinSCP to get rid of the confirmation:
You are the first one who misses the confirmation in WinSCP.

yes i want to be warn by winscp that overwrite file.

Coming from filezilla and in filezilla this is default behaviour. After edit-> save remote file filezilla warn overwrite.


Re: file edit confirmation ?

The overwrite confirmation is shown for regular transfers only. With them, it's possible that you are now aware that the file exists already in the target directory.

While if you save an opened file, you obviously know, that you are overwriting an existing file.

When you save a local file, an editor does not warn you either, right?

file edit confirmation ?

hi after file edit winscp not show confirmation to overwrite ?

in transfer-> background untick "No confirmations for background transfers" but not helps.