As long as I can install a desktop icon which runs a script, I will be happy.
Yes you can. If you do not find the way, let me know.
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As long as I can install a desktop icon which runs a script, I will be happy.
My questions are quite simple,
From reading around the site I have seen that scripting is possible, but I cannot find any info on how to trigger this without the user having to open winscp, is it possible to set up a icon on the desktop and have the script run in the background with maybe just a console window open?
Also is it possible to use only the scripting part of the software? For instance allowing clients to download a package that has the software (and the script and connection details) already set up, but not the whole thing. Just install and it installs the bare essentials, as well as a desktop icon which runs the script to upload. Would I be able to do this without hacking the installer?