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Re: After Type: SSH_FXP_WRITE, Size: 32790, Number: 774 file transfer stops and errors out

martin wrote:

Can you post a log file from GUI showing a successful upload?
Though it actually look like a bug in the SFTP server.

Unfortunately we are not able to manually send now. I will send you the logs that the developers sent to me. Sorry for the delayed response

Re: After Type: SSH_FXP_WRITE, Size: 32790, Number: 774 file transfer stops and errors out

Can you post a log file from GUI showing a successful upload?
Though it actually look like a bug in the SFTP server.

Re: After Type: SSH_FXP_WRITE, Size: 32790, Number: 774 file transfer stops and errors out wrote:

martin wrote:

Can you upload the file anyhow? Using WinSCP GUI? Or using any other SFTP client?

If we use the WinSCP GUI or Firezilla and do it from our desktop it works. The problem comes when it is done by automation.

We turned off 'Optimize connection buffer size'. Also increased the session time out and are getting a new error. I will include it here

Re: After Type: SSH_FXP_WRITE, Size: 32790, Number: 774 file transfer stops and errors out

martin wrote:

Can you upload the file anyhow? Using WinSCP GUI? Or using any other SFTP client?

If we use the WinSCP GUI or Firezilla and do it from our desktop it works. The problem comes when it is done by automation.

Re: After Type: SSH_FXP_WRITE, Size: 32790, Number: 774 file transfer stops and errors out

Can you upload the file anyhow? Using WinSCP GUI? Or using any other SFTP client?

After Type: SSH_FXP_WRITE, Size: 32790, Number: 774 file transfer stops and errors out

We have reports that we use WINSCP to transfer to remote clients and had to change the fingerprint a couple months back. Ever since, two of the reports run successfully but the third always fails after transferring 32KB. In the session log you will see where the problem begins at 3:15.22.213. This is a recurring error every time, always after writing 37290 bytes, never more never less. This file usually ranges between 220KB to 230KB. I will also include the script that is used to run this task and it is automated using task scheduler. Thanks for your help