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We are now able to connect using Generate URL by adding the url in batch file with command
"start <url>" but now this gives prompt to provide download file location, so is there a way to suppress this? With previous batch script they still face issue downloading file.

Re: Unable to connect to FTPS using WINSCP

martin wrote:

So can the vendor connect to the server anyhow? In WinSCP GUI? Using any other FTP client? Can the vendor even ping the server?

Yes vendor is able to connect to the server using Filezilla and able to download content.

Re: Unable to connect to FTPS using WINSCP

So can the vendor connect to the server anyhow? In WinSCP GUI? Using any other FTP client? Can the vendor even ping the server?

Unable to connect to FTPS using WINSCP

I have a batch script using WinSCP and I am able to connect to FTPS server but when a vendor who will be using this script runs on there machine gets error to connect to FTPS server.
Please help me so that we can resolve this issue.