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Re: Windows Store Version Has Tiny Taskbar Icon

@Guest: I'm happy to send it. But I have no way to reach you.

Can you send me an email? Please include a link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

We will of course update the Store version, once we actually release the fix. Probably in few weeks.

Hi Martin,

did I made something wrong that I bought the software from MS Store? Using the free version was everything ok. Small feedback would be appreciated.

best regards,

Re: Windows Store Version Has Tiny Taskbar Icon


same problem here. May you please send me the fix for it? I would be glad if you could update the fix version in Microsoft Store too.

Best regards,

Re: Windows Store Version Has Tiny Taskbar Icon

Thanks for your feedback!

Re: Windows Store Version Has Tiny Taskbar Icon

@martin: The build you sent me fixed it! Thanks for looking into this!

Re: Windows Store Version Has Tiny Taskbar Icon

OK, I can maybe reproduce it now. I get the small icon, when I pin the app to the task bar. When I run the app, the icon is normal. When I close it, the pinned small icon re-appears. Is that the behavior that you experience?

Re: Windows Store Version Has Tiny Taskbar Icon

Ah right, sorry for the lack of detail.

It's happening on my work laptop which is a MacBook dual booting Windows hooked up to 2 1080p monitors (appears tiny on all 3 screens) and on my home PC hooked up to a single 1440p monitor.

Happens on all resolution scalings. Start menu tile has normal sized icon. It became tiny after the most recent update.

Re: Windows Store Version Has Tiny Taskbar Icon

Thanks for your report.
What is your monitor settings? Do you have multiple monitors? What Display Scale do you have set in Windows Settings?

Windows Store Version Has Tiny Taskbar Icon

The latest update to the Windows Store version made the taskbar icon really tiny.