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Re: I want to automatically backup my entire wordpress site via the automatic syncing feature.

Well, this is not WinSCP question.
But indeed, mysqldump is the way to go (if you use MySQL database).

I want to automatically backup my entire wordpress site via the automatic syncing feature.

How can i export the entire live wordpress site, including the database, on an automated basis? I know i can sync the root directory which would get all the files, but that won't get the database as well(which is super important!). I want to be able to take manual backups(in addition to the automated ones) via sftp, since my Kinsta(our hosting provider we are migrating to) limits us to 5 manual one click backups via their cpanel equivalent. WP Engine(the prior hosting provider) had unlimited manual one click backups.

Found this command, which i think will export the database. I'm not a coder, so I don't know:

mysqldump -u USERNAME -p DATABASE > backup.sql

I take significantly more frequent backups than that when deving the site, so it's crucial to be able to back it up locally. Hope someone knows how to do this! Thank you!