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Topic review


Key was wrong and password.
I found the solution, sorry


Hello, im getting the following error after a IPADRESS change.

. 2019-11-05 08:31:28.811 Host key fingerprint is:
. 2019-11-05 08:31:28.811 ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 384 50:89:61:cf:a7:6d:c8:bc:55:fd:d4:45:7a:f2:37:08
. 2019-11-05 08:31:28.811 Verifying host key ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 nistp384,0xd90f52d8ea249321 79cb481dac986a12 459a4214bc490cf4 124b46c2f3e10765 f2d7cb0f35c60b68 43f7662eb7b5f689 ,0xf96f12a733ef5506 324f622c5aa191bf d5908b4132fabb6f 9a536337b9c788e7 08460ced666bf430 b2a7900d08319ae0 with fingerprint ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 384 50:89:61:cf:a7:6d:c8:bc:55:fd:d4:45:7a:f2:37:08
. 2019-11-05 08:31:28.811 Host key does not match configured key ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 384 1a:6a:23:04:0c:5c:3f:e7:48:cb:db:2a:6d:01:bc:d9
. 2019-11-05 08:31:28.811 Attempt to close connection due to fatal exception:
* 2019-11-05 08:31:28.811 Host key fingerprint is ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 384 50:89:61:cf:a7:6d:c8:bc:55:fd:d4:45:7a:f2:37:08.
* 2019-11-05 08:31:28.811 (Exception) **Host key does not match configured key "ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 384 1a:6a:23:04:0c:5c:3f:e7:48:cb:db:2a:6d:01:bc:d9"!**
. 2019-11-05 08:31:28.811 Closing connection.
. 2019-11-05 08:31:28.811 Sending special code: 12

This is mine file:


I did adjust the ipadress and the keyfingerprint after the IPADRESS change. What is going wrong?
Sorry i did not set this up, i did alot of google but i can't find the answer.