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Batch file rename has stopped working in the last 2 versions

Using the latest version on Windows 7 64 bit software. Trying to batch rename files on a Linux box. I get the following error message:

1918-12-03-DRAUGASw-i5-8.pdf => 1918-12-03-DRAUGASw_2nd_ed_i5-8.pdf
1918-12-04-DRAUGASw-i5-8.pdf => 1918-12-04-DRAUGASw_2nd_ed_i5-8.pdf
1918-12-05-DRAUGASw-i5-8.pdf => 1918-12-05-DRAUGASw_2nd_ed_i5-8.pdf

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Error: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\Wi
nSCPnet.dll' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime new
er than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded.
Press any key to exit...

This batch file rename function has been very useful in the past. I am logging on to the Linux site using port 21. I got the same error message when trying to batch rename files using a port 22 scp login. The problem seems to be on the Windows PC side.