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EAccessViolation in v3.7.6 on win2k in script mode

i am using the latest stable version, and only on this one machine does it have issues
it's windows 2000 server enterprise

C:\>winscp3 /script="M:\Program Files\TechQuest\Backup\winscp.txt"
batch on
confirm off
No session.
transfer binary
No session.
No session.

script file contains

# Automatically answer all prompts negatively not to stall the script on errors
option batch on
# Disable overwrite confirmations that conflict with the previous
option confirm off
# Connect using a password
open scp://<user removed>:<password removed>
# Change remote directory
cd /home/jgrafals/Backups/Avex
# Force binary mode transfer
option transfer binary
# Upload the backup taz
put "M:\Program Files\TechQuest\Backup\avex.taz"
# Disconnect
# Exit WinSCP

i had this script working correctly on win xp, win2kws
this is the only win2k server i have tried it on
i am using the latest stable version (3.7.6)

Re: scripting

There seems to be bug in 3.8 beta. Thanks for letting me know. Please downgrade to last stable version 3.7.6.


If i type open and press <RETURN> I get the host prompt and username/password prompts. Everything works great. But when I type open otherinformtion I get teh Eaccessviolation.


I am trying to write a simple scrip. I get an EAccessviolation on the open command. I have tried it thru the GUI and everything works great. But when I try the script I get the error. Here is the command I try

open abcd:password@

Thanks for any help.