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Can you please post a link to your report?

Thanks for looking into this problem.

I've reported it to Win32-OpenSSH. Looks like it's an already existing problem for a long time, and others have such problem as well.

For the 1st log file (2019-10-27-log-1.log):
In the `E:\temp\` folder, there are files & folders:
2019/10/27 01:09 <DIR> .
2019/10/27 01:09 <DIR> ..
2019/10/23 00:07 <DIR> 上线前备份
2019/10/20 03:58 <DIR> 备份
2019/10/27 01:09 <DIR> 微信订阅号

When entering the `temp` folder, WinSCP only shows one folder:

And that actually what the server returns. Not WinSCP fault.

Then, I create a folder named `上线前备份`, the listing in WinSCP become garbage:

WinSCP asks the server for a canonical path to /E:/temp/上线前备份 and the server returns /E:/temp/上线前备 followed by an invalid UTF-8 code. That makes WinSCP believe the server does not use UTF-8 encoding and falls back to a legacy encoding, what breaks everything after.

Again, not really WinSCP fault.

In the log files:
I've replaced remote HOST/IP with `XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX`, remote login name with `REMOTE_ACCOUNT`;
I've replaced local HOST with `LOCAL_HOSTNAME`, local account with `LOCAL_ACCOUNT`;
I've replaced private key path with `PRIVATE_KEY`.

The remote path where I make logging is `E:\temp\`. Files & folders under `E:\` are (I've modified something here, but not in the log file):
2015/12/02 15:10 <DIR> ftproot
2019/01/27 21:28 <DIR> Games
2019/10/24 18:32 <DIR> My.Documents
2019/10/15 23:22 <DIR> My.Hosts
2019/10/23 02:51 <DIR> Programs
2019/10/27 01:09 <DIR> temp
2019/01/22 19:52 <DIR> XXXX.Documents
2019/08/07 17:16 <DIR> upload
2019/08/18 15:45 <DIR> xampp
2019/06/17 16:43 <DIR> xampp-1.7.3
2019/06/27 23:11 <DIR> xampp-1.7.3-used
2019/06/27 23:04 <DIR> xampp-1.8.2
2019/06/22 22:13 <DIR> xampp-173
2019/08/16 22:58 <DIR> xampp-7.0.33
2019/08/18 17:06 <DIR> xampp-7.1.31
2019/09/15 21:06 <DIR> xampp-7.3.9

OK, here come the operations & log files.
For the 1st log file (2019-10-27-log-1.log):
In the `E:\temp\` folder, there are files & folders:
2019/10/27 01:09 <DIR> .
2019/10/27 01:09 <DIR> ..
2019/10/23 00:07 <DIR> 上线前备份
2019/10/20 03:58 <DIR> 备份
2019/10/27 01:09 <DIR> 微信订阅号

When entering the `temp` folder, WinSCP only shows one folder:

For the 2nd log file (2019-10-27-log-2.log), the remote folder has:
In the `E:\temp\` folder, there are files & folders:
2019/10/27 01:26 <DIR> .
2019/10/27 01:26 <DIR> ..
2019/10/20 03:58 <DIR> 备份

When entering the `temp` folder, WinSCP shows exactly what's in this folder:

Then, I create a folder named `上线前备份`, the listing in WinSCP become garbage:
For the 3rd log file (2019-10-27-log-3.log):
Just maintain what the remote folder has in the 2nd log file, exit WinSCP and restart it then enter the remote folder and WinSCP shows:

For the 4th log file (2019-10-27-log-4.log):
In the `E:\temp\` folder, there are files & folders:
2019/10/27 01:40 <DIR> .
2019/10/27 01:40 <DIR> ..
2019/10/27 01:26 <DIR> 上线
2019/10/20 03:58 <DIR> 备份

When entering the `temp` folder, WinSCP shows exactly what's in this folder:

Then, I rename the folder named `上线` to `上线前备份`, the listing in WinSCP become garbage:


The OSes & softwares I'm using are:
* local:
Windows 10 x64 Pro 1903 (18362.449) Chinese
WinSCP 5.15.5 9925 with Chinese Simplified language pack.
* remote:
Windows 10 x64 Ent 1903 (18362.449) Chinese
Windows's built-in OpenSSH server
with Default shell changed to `C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe`
(via )
OpenSSH SFTP (OpenSSH_7.7p1 for Windows)
The SFTP server invoked by OpenSSH is `C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\sftp-server.exe` which is the Windows's built-in one.

Please attach a complete WinSCP session log file documenting what you have described in your last post.

Yes I can.

In putty, in that folder, I ls:

The first one should be the garbage one.

I mkdir 上线前备份, then ls:

The folder content display correctly in Windows.
A first refresh in WinSCP, the list show 3 items:

When I try to delete the 3rd one, it says no such file, then the list become garbage:

There's also displaying problem. Some folder/file name that are in Chinese will prevent itself and other folders/files from displaying in list.

Should I provide more detailed log?

Re: Folder display garbage charcters when the name has some particular characters?

Can you create a folder with that name in a shell?

And some folders are not shown in the list.

By the way, I'm using 5.15.5 build 9925.

Folder display garbage charcters when the name has some particular characters?

See attached log. I'm using SCP to connect to a Windows 10-based computer, which is configured with Git's bash.

The folder name is in Chinese.

The folder I want to create is `上线前备份`. After creating it, the refreshed list shows `上线前备�`.

The naming UTF-8 is set to ON. But I could have same problems with AUTO.

I don't know what other information I should also provide. If any, please let me know.