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Re: WinSCP tunnel with username and password forward

Vaulter wrote:

When I manual login (putty) towards the first server I need to fill-in username and password. If I ssh from that session towards the second server I do not need to fill-in username and password. So the username and password are forwarded.

I do not think any passwords are forwarded. Don't you rather have a private key for the second server stored on the first one? Can you post an output of your ssh command executed on the first server with added -v switch?

Re: WinSCP tunnel with username and password forward

martin wrote:

I do not understand your question.
Do you want to use the same username and password for the final server as for the jump/tunnel server?

When I manual login (putty) towards the first server I need to fill-in username and password. If I ssh from that session towards the second server I do not need to fill-in username and password. So the username and password are forwarded.

Would this be possible with WinSCP as well?

I hope this makes it more clear.

Re: WinSCP tunnel with username and password forward

I do not understand your question.
Do you want to use the same username and password for the final server as for the jump/tunnel server?

WinSCP tunnel with username and password forward

Dear All,

I would like to create a connection via the WinSCP tunnel option. When connecting I would like to only authenticate with username and password towards the tunnel server and then pass-through the username and password (not asking me to login) towards the server on the end of the tunnel.

Is this possible?
Currently I am able to connect towards the tunnel server but then I have to authenticate on the other server. When trying to login I am getting the error message: no supported authentication methods available.

I would love to hear your comments on this if this is possible.
