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Re: How to lock parent directory for a distant folder when creating connexion

This is not a WinSCP question.
You should ask it on a site like Super User. What you actually did already:

How to lock parent directory for a distant folder when creating connexion

Dear community,

I would like to share a folder from my computer Ubuntu 18.04 to others computers which are all on Windows.
That's why I installed ssh-serveur on mine, and WinSCP on the other one.

I create a connexion to my folder when the software is launched. It works because you arrived in my folder, and then you need a password each time you enter ...
Nevertheless when you are in the folder shared, you can enter to the parent directory and navigate into all my files, and I don't want !!

So, do you know how ocnfig a connexion to lock the parent directory of the folder chosen in the connexion ? Does it work from windows pc or mine (owner of the server ssh) ?

thanks you for your answear !