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No - I tried Filezilla and got a similar error. So I suspect it's a problem with my settings.

Re: Network Connection was Aborted by Local System

Can you download the file using any other FTP client?

Network Connection was Aborted by Local System

I have this intermittent problem from the initial log in to downloading of files. If I keep selecting retry it eventually takes me to the next step. But I haven't been able to get past about 3.5GB of a 3.6GB download and I'm on a capped data plan :(
I have spent hours looking for a solution and nothing seems to work.
I'm on Version 5.15.7 (build 10060).
I'm running Windows 10 (64Bit)
This is for an FTP transfer protocol
I have no idea if this is GUI or scripting/automation
When I log in I get this error. I can usually log in after one or two attempts
Error listing directory '/'.
Could not retrieve directory listing
The network connection was aborted by the local system.
OK Help
When selecting a folder, again if I keep trying it will eventually connect
Error listing directory '/Evolution V7.20'.
Could not retrieve directory listing
The network connection was aborted by the local system.
OK Help
And when I get to the actual file transfer:
Error transferring file '/Evolution V7.20/'.
Copying files from remote side failed.
The network connection was aborted by the local system.
Abort Retry Skip Skip all Help
Hopefully you can help without a session log as I can't figure how to do that!!