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Re: Issue with 4.1.4 Renaming Files Containing ":" with "%#A

martin wrote:

akshayjain wrote:

Is there any C# function which creates the file with modified name in the local directory if it contains characters(/\:*?\"<>|) which are not supported by windows filename?

Is this WinSCP question?

When we use the WinSCP utility to download files which contain unsupported characters, it replaces the characters. Is there any C# equivalent for this where we are using WinSCP to pull files?

Re: Issue with 4.1.4 Renaming Files Containing ":" with "%#A

akshayjain wrote:

Is there any C# function which creates the file with modified name in the local directory if it contains characters(/\:*?\"<>|) which are not supported by windows filename?

Is this WinSCP question?

Re: Issue with 4.1.4 Renaming Files Containing ":" with "%#A

Is there any C# function which creates the file with modified name in the local directory if it contains characters(/\:*?\"<>|) which are not supported by windows filename?

Re: Issue with 4.1.4 Renaming Files Containing ":" with "%#A

That's because Windows do not allow colon in filenames. Please read documentation.

Issue with 4.1.4 Renaming Files Containing ":" with "%#A"


When I copy a file from a remote host to my local PC using WinSCP 4.1.4 (SFTP Protocol) and that file contains a colon (:) character, WinSCP changes the destination filename on the PC such that the colons are replaced with "%3A". For example, copying a file named "test:1:2:3" from the remote host will result in a file on the PC named "test%3A1%3A2%3A3".

- Joe