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Topic review


thank you very much.

The other application has to somehow signal that the files were really processed.

You can basically use the same kind of "signals" as suggested here for signaling that an upload has finished:

So what can I do ? :(

Using the last access time for that does not look like a reliable approach.

One of my applications is making some files and upload them into a FTP folder everyday at a certain time. and another app is reading them for internal use.
I want to know when the files will be read by the other app.

Re: Retrieving LastReadTime from files list

SFTP servers usually provide the last access time. But WinSCP does not expose that information in its API.

What do you need it for?

Re: Retrieving LastReadTime from files list

martin wrote:

WinSCP API does not provide that information.
And the question is whether your server does at all. What protocol are you using?

I Use SFTP Protocol .

Re: Retrieving LastReadTime from files list

WinSCP API does not provide that information.
And the question is whether your server does at all. What protocol are you using?

Retrieving LastReadTime from files list

Hi everybody,
I want to get LastReadTime of every file in remote file directory. how can i do it ?
