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Topic review


Bart wrote:

Great! So if I put this in a .bat file and I execute that line in the same folder where the WinSCP.ini is stored, this will work? Are there admin rights needed?

In a folder where winscp.exe is (or just use a full path to winscp.exe). Admin rights are not needed.

Great! So if I put this in a .bat file and I execute that line in the same folder where the WinSCP.ini is stored, this will work? Are there admin rights needed?

Fill in 'User Name' and 'Password' automatically, always the same, for all entries?


I'm using WinSCP 5.15 on Windows Server 2016, I've imported a bunch of Sites from Putty and I now want to fill in the username and password without obviously copy-pasting it a hundred times over. I didn't find this on the FAQ right away!

Is there any easy and simple way to do this? Thank you!
