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Topic review


Re: Command line problems

Version 3.8.0, build 312

There is apparently a bug. It was there always, but for some reasons it emerges more often with 3.8. I'll fix it in the next version. Please try to downgrade.

Re: Command line problems

martin wrote:

What version of WinSCP are you using?

Version 3.8.0, build 312

Re: Command line problems

What version of WinSCP are you using?

Re: Command line problems

svenhh wrote:

I have been adding the WinSCP installation path to the search path. Starting WinSCP from command line (or within another application)works fine when started without any argument. I starts prompting for a sesssion selection. However, when I want to create a new session using
'winscp3.exe <user>:<password>@<IP-address>/<remotepath>/', it fails with error message 'Invalid access to memory'. I suppose this should work according to doc.

The port number specifier after the host name do not seem to be optional. Command line startup , creating a new session works fine if the <hostname>:22 is specified

Command line problems

I have been adding the WinSCP installation path to the search path. Starting WinSCP from command line (or within another application)works fine when started without any argument. I starts prompting for a sesssion selection. However, when I want to create a new session using
'winscp3.exe <user>:<password>@<IP-address>/<remotepath>/', it fails with error message 'Invalid access to memory'. I suppose this should work according to doc.