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Re: Keep Remote Directory Up to Date

martin wrote:

No. That would not result in synchronized local and remote folders. What is against the purpose of the function.

Though you can script that using WinSCP .NET assembly.

I get a file from our county fire department at various times. Could be once a minute, could be once every 30 seconds. When a new file is FTP'd to my site. I need to FTP it immediately to another site. Keep remote upto date works but the remote site deletes the file I just moved up and it seems keep up to date is sending the file again. Any examples of a script. I have not wrote batch files for 30 years!!!

Re: Keep Remote Directory Up to Date

No. That would not result in synchronized local and remote folders. What is against the purpose of the function.

Though you can script that using WinSCP .NET assembly.

Keep Remote Directory Up to Date

Is there a way when using Keep Remote Dir Up to Date that when a file is transferred to remote host the file on local host is moved to another directory?